Inspirational • Motivational • Sensational • Charismatic
Colette Phillips has captivated many audiences with her inspirational speaking skills and her motivational style. She captured national attention when she addressed more than 1,000 women at the 2016 Boston Women’s Innovation Conference and almost “broke the Twitter Sphere” during the event when members of the audience sent her remarks out on Twitter. Colette’s inspirational and uplifting comments and quotes were trending on Twitter throughout the day.
The Boston Business Journal named her one of its 2017 Power50 NewsMakers and 2016 Power 50-Game Changers lists; 2018 feature in the January issue of Boston Magazine called her “Boston’s Great Connector” asking who need Linked-In when you have Colette Phillips; Boston Globe cited her as Boston’s “social connector,” and one of the “must have” people in the room when there are important events. She received Boston Business Journal’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Diversity. Boston Magazine listed her as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in Boston and one of Boston’s 40 Most Fabulous People. The Boston Herald listed her One of the 100 Most Powerful People in Boston. She was honored by Bryant University with its 2016 New England Business Woman of the Year and received an Honorary Doctorate Degree of Law from Mount Ida College
- DEI 2.0 Creating a New Normal: White men at the DEI Table
- White Men Can Jump: How White Male Allies are contributing to racial and gender inclusion and how they are moving us beyond the anti-woke rhetoric.
- A How-To Guide For America’s Anti-Racist Moment and the Real Cost of Not Embracing Diversity
- Civility and Kindness and a “Call-In rather than a Call Out culture” is the way to have healthy vibrant discussions and conversations about cultural differences, gender and racial issues – a provocative yet practical inspiration for building inclusion
- How to Build A Diverse and Inclusive Network
- Learn how to get practical insights from allies and advocates who are willing to listen, learn and lead from behind to create sustainable, systemic change
- Hear why connecting matters and how we can make our networks stronger, more inclusive and more diverse
- Be inspired by real life stories of how inclusive leaders use collaboration, connection and communication to drive diversity
Download Colette Phillips’ Speaking Brochure
Invite Colette Phillips to speak
“I was totally blown away – you were incredible. The whole program felt like a very honest, comfortable conversation about what should be an uncomfortable topic. I gained so much from being there for it personally and professionally. You really do know how to reach people…”
—Katie Spiegel, WIDGB President
“You absolutely rocked this conference.”
—Participant, Ernst & Young Women in Power and Utilities Conference
“Inspring presentation”
—Participant, National Grid
Engaging New Audiences with Colette Philips, World Affairs Councils of America